Sunday, January 27, 2013


"You have your way, I have mine. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Stereotypes and labels seem to never disappear. We are judged by them, confined by them, and redefined to fit them. This week in class we were asked to complete the Myers- Briggs Personality Test, a type indicator that measures personal preferences in how we as individuals choose to perceive the world and make independent decisions. I for one was quite pleased with my results, it seemed to incorporate all my strengths and weaknesses, a true representation of me. But as I spent more time thinking about the 4 letters that supposedly summarized who I am, I think I realized that I am much more than an ENFP.

What if I told you I'm punctual, organized, and responsible, does that take away from my being spontaneous, fun-loving, a risk-taker? I think I can be all of the above, even if all of the above does not necessarily fit within the definition of what it means to be an ENFP.

"When we put people in boxes where they can only be one or another, we miss the opportunity to see people as diverse as they are."

In this day and age we preach the beauty of diversity, and taking pride in who we are as individuals. Though we might differ in simple letters and preferences, that does not define us, we are given the opportunity to define ourselves through the choices we make and values we stand for.

I am an ENFP: an Empowered, Noteworthy, Fearless Person. And that is all you need to know :)


  1. Soyna, I completely agree with you! I think everyone can be diverse in their own way, and that not just one personality type defines us. People ARE more than what a personality test suggests, and only we ourselves can be the ultimate judge of that. I also really like your picture on this post :)

  2. Sonya, I really like how you have created yourself. I can see that you don't let others define you. You are the only one who can say what you are and what you are not. That's really empowering. Also, I love how you changed what ENFP means so that it works for you. Keep on rocking on.

  3. The MBTI shows how you see or visualize life. Your perspectives. It doesn't necessarily means that you have to be like that or your exactly like that. the purpose of this test is to know your functions : Inuition, feeling, perspective, judging, introvert and extrovert.
