Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Social Change

" When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid." -Audre Lorde

The Social Change Model is an approach to leadership development focused on the process of enacting social change from multiple perspectives. This image, to me, captures the moment in which we as individuals choose to change. Given that the idea of change in itself is unnerving, we must realize that to better ourselves require the strength to learn and listen. Though we may be confident in who we are and what we believe in, we are redefined by the ideas and beliefs of others, and to give in to such a change is the mark of a true leader. We cannot be afraid to venture out of our personal fish bowl.


  1. I LOVE your last statement, "We cannot be afraid to venture out of our personal fish bowl." First of all it's too cute and secodndly I think you jumped outside the fish bowl with your picture. Most people think of the box analogy when they talk about leaving their comfort zone but you went with something different. You are already leading in a different direction.

  2. Where do you get such awesome quotes? Your picture is perfect for the social change model!

    I like the visual importance of jumping outside of a "fish bowl."

    "As a fish, the fishbowl is all that that fish knows. It is a very personal space, yet also confines and restricts the fish's 'world view.' By jumping outside of the fish bowl, we make ourselves vulnerable in our effort for change." is what came to mind when I first saw the picture.

    I totally agree with, "Though we may be confident in who we are and what we believe in, we are redefined by the ideas and beliefs of others...."
