Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Elevator

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -Robert Frost

I've always been labeled the girl with the smile. Its funny that all the people I've ever known have picked that up as what they choose to remember about me. In september I began college, the ultimate first and lasting impression test, and while we get the chance to start over in a sense, the identity we've crafted for ourselves, thus far, essentially speaks for itself. I'll admit my "girl who smiles" reputation is something I completely agree with; my smile mirrors the way I choose to live my life day to day--with absolute gratitude and optimism, 100% me. This week especially has been tough for me however, granted sometimes life seems too difficult or too impossible, but we have the choice to inspire ourselves to keep going and find the light again. That was my choice, that is always my choice, and honestly that is everyone's choice as well. We have the choice to smile, and we will always have reasons to keep smiling. Life goes on, and with that time goes on with it, I think the question I ask myself everyday is: do I have time to stop smiling? Thus do I have time to stop being happy? Maybe, maybe not, and so I'll keep being grateful and optimistic until my time runs up. I think its fair to say we have the choice in influencing how people choose to remember us. So before you leave the elevator, in a sentence I think it's fair to summarize myself as the girl who will never stop smiling.


  1. The first sentence really says it all about you. I like that your elevator speech is more like a reflection as opposed to a profile. Reading this has turned my day around. Thanks Sonya!

  2. I like your positive, forward-looking attitude.

    "Extend your arms in welcome to the future; the best is yet to come!"

    -Anthony de Mello, S.J., a Jesuit from India
