Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Power of Words

"It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness." -Charles H. Spurgeon  

Happiness is a choice, not a destination, something well within our power and control. In each of our lives we are met with obstacles and hardship, unimaginable difficulty, yet we hear stories time and time again of ordinary heroes that somehow make the best of the life they are given. But I think we are all powerful, in the sense that we can make each day worth living through the choices we make and the attitude we present. We are not the victim of our circumstances, but truly capable of making a difference in our lives and the lives of others, that is our personal challenge. This is one of my favorites videos, a true testament to the power of positivity. Through the eyes of a blind man we see the way people respond to a changed perspective, and thus see the power of our words, actions, and attitude. I know this week has been difficult for many of you, but I challenge you now to revise your outlook, and make the conscious choice to be happy. :)


  1. This video is very inspiring and motivational. Not only did she helped the blind man, but she represents passion and humanitarianism. If people look at others through different perspectives, then we would have a better understanding of life and others.

  2. I definitely agree with the quote at the top. I took it to mean happiness is not what you have but what you make of it. I can certainly relate to this. In middle school my family of 5 lived in a small one bedroom house while we were waiting for our new house to be built. What was supposed to be a temporary living arrangement ended up lasting more than three years due to complications and delays. Even though things were tight and most of my stuff had to stay in boxes, my family really came together for those three years and we were just as happy if not happier than after we moved into the new house and the initial excitement wore off.

  3. I really enjoyed this video - it was short, but very motivational (:

    As for the quote and your post, I can definitely tell just from being around you these past few weeks in class that you are a compassionate person and that you value happiness above everything else (except for your family). I definitely respect you for this. I think it shows a lot about who you are and your values when something as simple as happiness means the world to you.

  4. Wow Sonya! This video is so deep and inspiring.

    i totally agree with you when you say we affect our day with the choices we make and I feel like so many times it's easy to play the victim and feel bad for ourselves rather than changing our decisions to make a happy life! I feel like you are a true testament to this video because people who don't know you can tell that you are living your life to the fullest.
