"Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose." -From the show The Wonder Years
I came to Santa Clara with the desire to find people that challenge and inspire me, and thus hopefully better myself through experiences both good and bad. Since stepping on campus I've been so amazed by the people around me, and I'd like to think that this is an environment in which I can thrive and maybe even shine. But in all my months thus far I truly believe that Leadership has done more for me than I could have imagined. The past ten weeks have given me news things to love, time to rediscover myself, and the ability to realize what makes me the best version of myself. I found myself surrounded by people I grew to love, ideas and innovation that I so admired, and this reinvigorated sense of purpose within me. ELP will forever hold a special place in my heart, and to all of your that made this journey what it is was I say this. Thank you for inspiring me with your passion, and humbling me with your courage, thank you for forcing me to listen and for showing me the power of silence. I think half way through the course was my true turning point, when together we were challenged to look within ourselves and cross the line. I felt safe enough to be vulnerable and open, a true testament to the trust we shared and the impact you have all had on me. My eyes were opened, and in that moment I think I was finally able to step out of my bubble, I remembered why I fell in love with leadership to begin with. There is this whole world outside of the one I am confined in, and I remember that I want to be a part of it, that I want to impact people and influence change. But I think most importantly I remembered that I am not alone, that there are those, inspiring, amazing individuals, that truly want the same.
And so I hope to keep moving forward, I hope to expand my impact beyond the boundaries of Santa Clara. While I have been given the tools to understand my weaknesses, I have been reminded that they are less of a weakness and more of an opportunity to grow and better myself. My preferences may differ in how I choose to lead, but it is important to understand the other side, and maybe even incorporate those facets into who I am. So maybe it is okay if I don't have all the answers, as long as I am not afraid to look for them. And being afraid is something I no longer am.
I came to Santa Clara with the desire to find people that challenge and inspire me, and thus hopefully better myself through experiences both good and bad. Since stepping on campus I've been so amazed by the people around me, and I'd like to think that this is an environment in which I can thrive and maybe even shine. But in all my months thus far I truly believe that Leadership has done more for me than I could have imagined. The past ten weeks have given me news things to love, time to rediscover myself, and the ability to realize what makes me the best version of myself. I found myself surrounded by people I grew to love, ideas and innovation that I so admired, and this reinvigorated sense of purpose within me. ELP will forever hold a special place in my heart, and to all of your that made this journey what it is was I say this. Thank you for inspiring me with your passion, and humbling me with your courage, thank you for forcing me to listen and for showing me the power of silence. I think half way through the course was my true turning point, when together we were challenged to look within ourselves and cross the line. I felt safe enough to be vulnerable and open, a true testament to the trust we shared and the impact you have all had on me. My eyes were opened, and in that moment I think I was finally able to step out of my bubble, I remembered why I fell in love with leadership to begin with. There is this whole world outside of the one I am confined in, and I remember that I want to be a part of it, that I want to impact people and influence change. But I think most importantly I remembered that I am not alone, that there are those, inspiring, amazing individuals, that truly want the same.
And so I hope to keep moving forward, I hope to expand my impact beyond the boundaries of Santa Clara. While I have been given the tools to understand my weaknesses, I have been reminded that they are less of a weakness and more of an opportunity to grow and better myself. My preferences may differ in how I choose to lead, but it is important to understand the other side, and maybe even incorporate those facets into who I am. So maybe it is okay if I don't have all the answers, as long as I am not afraid to look for them. And being afraid is something I no longer am.